Frequently Asked Questions.
When do they sleep??
Gliders are nocturnal and sleep during the day. So while you are at work or school they are asleep dreaming sugar glider dreams.
How long do they live??
If fed a proper diet like the one we feed, they can live 10 to 15 years.
Can I use a hot rock??
Never use a hot rock! They can fluctuate in temperature and burn your sugar glider. They can also chew the cord and get electrocuted.
Can Sugar Gliders Bite??
Yes, they can. Any animal with teeth who is scared can bite. Even though they know me, they will have many stressors before coming to your home, and each glider will handle this differently. They are being taken from their parents, sometimes placed with a glider they didn’t grow up with, taken from me, shipped or driven a long distance in a car. Then they come to your home with different sights, sounds and smells from mine and meet you. You will be a stranger to them. You will need to take time to bond with them and form trust with your new gliders. You will need some patience and there is no set time frame for this. You will need to go at the glider’s pace, but the rewards are worth the efforts. Your breeder can help you with bonding.
Can Sugar Gliders Fly??
Yes. In the wild, they live in very high treetops and can jump and glide very far from tree to tree. In our homes, those muscles must be built up gradually, or they can fall and be seriously injured. You may start to train your glider to glide by tossing them back and forth between two people who are very close. As your glider gets better, you can widen the gap between you until he can leap from tall buildings at a single bound.
Do Male Sugar Gliders Smell??
Male Sugar Gliders who are intact, mark their territory by rubbing their cage and their family members with scent glands, located on their head and chest area. They can have an odor. When any male is neutered (young or old), the scent glands dry up and these glands will no longer secrete the oils that allow them to mark and to make a smell.
Can I buy just one sugar glider??
No. They are colony animals and do not do well without a companion. Lone gliders can stress and become sick or depressed without a cage-mate. Unless you plan to stay up with them until daybreak, it’s not very fair to keep them alone.
Can Sugar Gliders Swim??
No. Sugar Gliders are poor swimmers. Many Sugar Gliders die each year from falling in open toilets, so keep the seats down. Their flying membranes get in the way and drag them under, so be very careful about this when you have the out playing.
Do you sell Sugar Bears??
No. We do not sell bears. We sell Sugar Gliders who are marsupials. They are not related to bears.
Are they legal in my area??
As of current time, Sugar Gliders are illegal in California, Pennsylvania, Hawaii, Alaska and the 5 boroughs of New York City. There are some small communities that have them banned as well such as Sedalia, MO. If you live in the States of New Jersey or New Mexico, you must contact your local Fish and Game office for a permit before they can be sold to you. If you are unsure if they are legal where you live, contact me or your local humane society for an answer. If you live where they are illegal, I cannot sell to you. If you live in New Jersey or New Mexico, have your permit first before you contact me.
What is best. A water bottle or water bowl??
Water bottles are clean and sanitary. Water bowls can catch stray feces and be urinated in as well, making the water unclean.
What is DNA Testing??
DNA testing is what many breeders use to determine if their sugar gliders have parasites. In a well maintained facility, a breeder will do random testing several times a year on current breeding animals as well as any new breeding animals that arrive from other breeders, for parasites. The samples are sent to a lab that specializes in this type of testing. The results are very accurate and breeders can stay on top of the health of their animals. The reports are given to their vet to ensure good health management in their breeding programs. We conduct this type of testing here.
Is it safe to ship my Sugar Gliders?
Shipping is no more stressful than traveling all day in a car for a glider. We are shipping in the daytime hours when the gliders are normally sleeping, so it’s not as bad. The airlines provide a section in the plane that is heated and cooled as needed, as well as pressurized. When bringing your animals to the cargo office, they are placed in heated and air conditioned vans as well. They do take a lot of care in getting your animals to you.
Can I keep my Sugar Gliders in a cage outside??
It is not really recommended to do this. They can be harassed by wild or domestic animals traveling through your yard. The different extremes of weather can be very hard on them. Sugar Gliders are tropical animals and do not have the ability to go into a full hibernation. Any temperature under 50 degrees could kill them. Extreme heat is not favorable to them either. Best to keep them in your climate controlled home.
Do my gliders eat bugs??
In the wild, the majority of the diet is made up of bugs, mice, birds and small rodents. In captivity, the diets they eat provide enough proteins to keep your sugar gliders healthy, although occasional mealworms, crickets, hornworms or waxworms are a fun and great snack for any glider. Make sure you purchase them from a reliable source and not from outdoors.
What if I already have one glider and it needs a friend??
We can do this. I will need to know the age and sex of your glider first, and if male, is he already neutered. It’s important to know this because a glider’s age will make a difference on what sex it can be placed with.
Can I give my Sugar Glider a bath??
This is never recommended, unless your sugar glider is ill and cannot keep themselves clean. A wet glider can catch a cold easily. Healthy gliders are quite good at grooming themselves and their cage-mates.
Should I use a wheel??
Gliders love to run and this is a great exercise for them. Take care to make sure you purchase a safe wheel. Your breeder can help guide you to a good one.
What type of cage do my Sugar Gliders need??
Minimum sized cage for a pair of gliders should be 36″ tall and preferably on a stand. Best type of material is powder coated. Bar spacing should be no wider than 1/2″ or your gliders can escape.
Do my gliders really need to see a vet??
Sugar Gliders are still this side of wild. In nature, they can hide sickness for a very long time. In captivity, they can do the same. A good exotics vet will check them yearly for overall health and make sure they are parasite free. Parasites can come from other animals, as well as food and water sources.
Is it OK to let my Sugar Gliders play with my cat or dog??
Cats and Dogs can be predators. Even if they are friendly with other household pets, some of these animals can consider Sugar Gliders wild prey and may even harass them. Not all household pets will stress a sugar glider. You need to entertain common sense and never leave them alone with your sugar gliders.
Can I take my Sugar Gliders Outside to Play??
In my experience, only do this if they are in a cage they can not get out of. No matter how bonded they are to you, if just one thing startles them, they can take off quickly and you may never see them again.
Can I let them roam freely in my home.?
Sugar Gliders are curious by nature. They can get into trouble in more ways then I can tell you if left un-attended. I have heard of and seen more accidents and death in Sugar Gliders because people allowed them to roam unattended. It’s much more safe to keep them in their cage when you can’t be there to watch out over them, then it is to let them roam free.
Can Female Sugar Gliders be Spayed??
At the current time, there is no spay operation available for females. Males we can neuter young and they will not have territorial issues. Females can be territorial. They can hit first estrus at 4 to 6 months out of pouch. There is more of a chance of two un-related females fighting then sisters, but that can still happen. It’s Mother Nature and we are currently un-able to change that. Best types of pairs are two neutered males, one neutered male and a female or two sisters.
Will you let me buy a breeding friend for my Sugar Glider??
Only if the glider that you own has lineage or pedigree with a minimum of 5 generations on both sides. I will need to run a test joey to see if they are related. If Sugar Gliders are bred and there is just one like relative within the first four generations, they can produce joeys with genetic defects of the major organs. If you do not have this information, we will not know if they are related, so I won’t be able to sell you a breeding animal.
Are there any additional discounts on Pet Only Joeys??
No. The pricing on the joeys is already discounted greatly from what a breeder would expect to pay for them. I do sometimes offer specials with older joeys and retired breeding pairs in the “Specials” section.
Are the prices listed for Pet or with Breeding Rights??
Prices listed for each joey is as pet only. Males will be neutered before they leave here and included in the price. Females will not come with breeding rights, and that information will go on her pedigree on a National Database. Breeding prices for my gliders vary on the color they are, and all the other colors they could produce. You may ask me for breeding price on any of my animals.
Why do I need to also purchase a male that has to be neutered if I want to get the female at pet only price??
Pricing for the females at pet only, is only applicable if you also purchase a male from me as her neutered companion. Price of neuter is included on all males. Females sold at pet price, do not come with breeding rights. If you wish to purchase a female by herself, then I will be charging full breeding price for her, and you will receive a copy of her lineage. It will be assumed that if you just wish to purchase a female, you will be breeding her eventually. Breeding price for each depends on what color they are, and what other colors they may be able to produce.